Drawings can be added into a building at any stage by anyone who has access to the relevant pigeonholes.
Use Drag and Drop to add documents to specific Pigeonholes
This is the easiest method and most intuitive for users. Click here to see a short video.
- Option 1 - When in a building, 'drag and drop' a file or a number of files onto a service tile. Click upload and you will be taken through the 'Add file' upload process.
- Option 2 - Navigate to the building, specific level, and specific service where you want to add documentation.
Start the 'Add file' process by clicking the big '+' icon in the 'files' section, which opens the 'Add new file' page.
- Drag the document or documents, you want to upload onto the '+' icon on this screen. The service and floor information will be prepopulated but this is where you name the document, add the revision number, who it is drawn by, and the date. If you want to upload multiple documents into the same service/level at the same time, we recommend dragging a maximum of twenty at one time. A user still has to enter the information required, so we recommend a manageable number.
- Add the details for each document that you want to capture and hit upload.
- Your document(s) will be added.
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