One key area of functionality in Pigeonhole is giving users the ability to upload the latest revision of a drawing/document to a specific Pigeonhole for QA or review by the Building Manager.
To add a new drawing revision to an existing drawing pigeonhole;
1. Navigate to the file pigeonhole that you wish to submit a new revision to and open the pigeonhole by selecting the list icon on the pigeonhole.
2. Select the + button in the 'Files' header
3. Next, select the '+' button in the 'Add New Files' screen and using the file browser, select the new revision file you wish to upload. The file selected will then be displayed on the 'Add New File' screen. When ready, hit ‘Upload’.
Insert the relevant information for the new revision and hit 'Upload'. The file is then saved as a new revision.
Files submitted by Contractors will require review by a Building Manager or Building Owner before they are published as the approved file version. If you are a contractor you will receive a notification if the reviewer requires changes to the drawing at which time you can revise and resubmit a new version following the same steps as above.
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