If you receive an email advising you that you have been invited to share a pigeonhole, there are two ways you can accept it.
1. Within the email, there will be 2 possible links to accept your invitation. Which you select will depend on whether or not you already have a Pigeonhole account.
Existing Pigeonhole User
1. If you do have a Pigeonhole account, you can click the first link, sign into your account and then you will see the Pigeonhole as pending with the option to accept the Pigeonhole by clicking the tick to the far right. Just click the 'tick' and you will have access.
2. Once you accept the invitation, the pigeonhole will become active and you can open it and access the contents.
New Pigeonhole User
1. If you are a new Pigeonhole user, the first thing you will need to do is create a new account. Clicking on the link in your welcome email will take you straight to the app home screen where you can create your account. Ensure you create the account with the same email at which you received the invitation.
2. When you register your email and password you will be asked to verify your email. You will see a system message in your browser window per screenshot below:
Please check your email for the verification email. This is a system issued email from the address noreply@pigeonhole-prod.firebaseapp.com . We verify emails as a system security step. If you do not see the verification email, please check your spam folder. The email will appear per the screenshot below, please click the unique link to verify your email.
Once verified, you will see the following message -
3. Please log into Pigeonhole, using the ID and password you have registered with, refresh your browser window, and you will then be given the option to accept the Pigeonhole you have been invited to view. Just click the tick on the far right and you will have access (per screenshot below).
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