You can get an overall view of all notes in the pigeonholes you have access to by navigating to the 'Notes' tab at the bottom of the screen.
A full list of notes will then be displayed.
Notes can be added, edited and deleted from this view. Closed notes will appear with a line through them to indicate they have been 'ticked' off.
The view can also be sorted and filtered using the two bars at the top of the screen.
If you select the 'Sort By' option, you will be able to sort by the following parameters:
- Date Added: Most recent last
- Date Added: Most recent first
- Date Due: First to Last
- Date Due: Last to First
- Assigned to you first
- Complete first
- Incomplete first
If you select the 'Filter By' option you will be able to select from the following options:
- Clear - This clears the filter if one is applied
- Open - This will show all open notes
- Closed - This will show all closed notes
- Assigned to Me - This will show all notes which are assigned to you
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